The Oracle Java Certifications have a high pass rate, with OCAJP (Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer) as well as OCPJP (Oracle Certified Java Programmer) passing rates nearing 65 per cent (the Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer). To pass the exam, you must have a thorough understanding of the Java programming language and API.
Oracle SQL Certification and Oracle Training are available through various IT and training platforms, including Koenig Solutions, Pluralsight, EDx, Udemy, and Coursera.
How to Pass the OCA Certification?
Joining a good course is the best method for preparing for Oracle's Java certification. If you are ready for Oracle SQL Certification, another companion to study from is a decent study book that goes through all exam subjects in detail, practice questions after each chapter, and provides a wealth of exam-specific information that you won't find in any other Java book.
After choosing a good book or preparation guide for the Oracle Cloud Certification, you'll need an accurate test simulator. This is required if you want to get a good score but not necessary if you're going to pass the exam. The examination simulators will assist you in developing the speed and accuracy required to finish all of the problems in 2.5 hours.
It would help stay motivated and informed about the test and other details. With that in mind, there's no better way to learn than to participate in online communities like Oracle's official Java Certification forum or CodeRanch. Coding is a must-have skill for an IT enthusiast. It would be best if you practise coding every day to build a skill that will aid you in reading the code in the actual exam. It becomes much more crucial as an Oracle Certified Associate because an excellent level of detail is required to grasp each code question before selecting options in the exam.