A CCIE certification is no longer considered a stepping stone to succeed in the field of network security. Instead, it has become a necessary asset for all aspiring networking professionals as well as companies today. So, what makes CCIE certification a desirable asset for potential networking employees? Let’s understand in brief.
The first and primary advantage of pursuing a CISCO certification course is the rapidly increasing scope of the CCIE experts globally. The advancement in technology has aided major breakthroughs in the networking industry. Because of this, every IT company worldwide has a high requirement for networking professionals with CCIE security knowledge to secure their company networks efficiently. This, in turn, increases the potential job roles and opportunities available to explore after completing CISCO CCIE.
Increased Demand
With the increasing demand and relatively low supply, IT professionals with CCIE certification can benefit from high annual salary packages compared to their peers.
Boosting Career Growth
Networking professionals often opt for either of the two popular CISCO examinations CCNA and CCNP, increasing their competency at an associate or professional level only.
However, the process of becoming a CCIE certified expert involves passing examinations of both associate level course CCNA and professional course CCNP before taking the CCIE final examination. This makes the CCIE certification a more rounded qualification, making you a master of technology and boosting your career growth altogether.
Future Scope
The future is the automation of all processes, and so demand for highly skilled and qualified network experts will only rise further. So, if you can smartly plan out systematic changes to element substantial losses for any company due to poor network security, you are one step closer to securing yourself a lifelong job role.
Valuable Certification
As far as the value of a CIIE certification is concerned, it is considered a pinnacle in the networking world. Even though the process of receiving CIIE security level certification takes undivided attention and intense dedication, the benefits of becoming a CIIE expert are worth it.